How does it work?

Phase 1

1. MoMo granulated synthetic mineral charged electrostatically according to the type of pollutant

2. Phenomena of electrostatic attraction forces Van der Waals

3. Rupture of the molecule and separation of the contaminant


Phase 2

1. Selective adsorption process according to the type of pollutant

2. elective adsorption process according to the type of pollutant

3. Purified water without polluting elements


Phase 3

When the mineral momo is saturated and compressed through the retro wash, the mineral is rearranged and or expanded throughout the tank to be ready for regeneration


Fase 4

Through the application of an acid, or a saline solution, the cleaning and regeneration of the MoMo mineral is carried out Causing the total removal of the contaminant, and leaving the mineral activated to continue operating
