Hotel Plant

Saint Regis Hotel Mexico City

Capacity: 60m3/ dia
Description: MSG Plant with MSG technology for the treatment of wastewater from the hotel's general service, Black Water from the toilet, with organic matter, fecal and urine, and Soapy Water from showers, sinks and kitchen that present soap residues, turbidity , characteristic coloration, bad smell and organic contamination typical of the peeling process resulting from personal hygiene, as well as greases and degreasers from kitchens.

Water obtained:OFFICIAL MEXICAN STANDARDA NOM-003-SEMARNAT-1997, that establishes the maximum permissible limits of pollutants for treated wastewater that is reused in public services.

Benefits:The water obtained daily is used for general services, such as cooling towers, boilers, etc., thanks to the fact that the water obtained is below 50 ppm of dissolved solids without color and odor, without hardness, which causes less maintenance in the pipes by incrustations.
