School Plant

CENDI Xochimilco

Capacity: 10 m3/ day
Description: MSG plant with MSG technology to treat soapy water, coming from sinks, and drains, as well as kitchen grease from the dining room, and rainwater collected from the roof and central patio

Water obtained: The water obtained complies with the OFFICIAL MEXICAN STANDARDNOM-127-SSA1-1994, "Environmental health, water for human use and consumption-permissible limits of quality and treatments to which water must be subjected for its purification." and the Official Mexican StandardNOM-201-SSA1-2015: Products and services. Water and ice for human consumption, packaged and in bulk.

Beneficts: The water is sent directly to all services, both for washing and for the installed drinking fountains, making CENDI self-sustaining in the rainy season, with water of excellent quality, low in salts.